December – The Best Time to Recruit New Staff
I can hear you all saying, ‘Okay Graham this time you’ve got it wrong. I’m not in retail chasing the consumer dollar buying Christmas gifts. I’m not a builder trying to finish jobs before my contractors make their yearly exodus. This article is not for me.’
Think again…
You’re planning your holiday in the sun, selecting a skeleton crew to maintain a presence while you all but shut down over the festive period. Putting on new staff is that last thing on your mind. I understand that. But the Christmas break is one of the best times to recruit for next year and beyond. Why?
- Applicants have time to look around for new challenges in the work place. They’re not getting up at 6am, rushing to the office, getting home at 7pm exhausted with no energy left for scanning recruitment agency websites. They just want takeaway and a DVD. But during the holidays they have days and days to leisurely check out new opportunities. If you’re not letting them know what’s on offer at your business you’ll be missing out on some superior applicants.
- New Year’s resolutions. Bonuses banked, champas in hand, they’re changing their life plans, seeking new roles to achieve their New Year goals. They want 2014 to be fresh, better and different. They’ve looked at their current work situation, been with their current employer for a few years and feel it’s time to move on. This is when you have the opportunity to take hold of quality employees ready to brush up their resumes and get out into the job market again.
- Be a big fish in a small pond. Very few companies recruit at this time of the year. You’ll have your pick of the job seeking pool. Don’t wait until mid-January when your competitors are coming back online. You won’t have to compete for the best staff. Job seekers are going to apply for the first jobs they see and like. If you’re recruiting now you’ll have the advantage.
- You don’t have to start them straight away. Most applicants have to give between two and four weeks’ notice. You choose the start date. It can be in January if this matches your business cycle. Or employ them now and they’ll be fully trained and ready to go when things pick up.
It’s normal to feel as though you deserve a summer holiday with friends and family. To delay things until business picks up in the New Year. But sort your recruiting needs out now and you won’t be setting yourself up for a hectic start to the new year. Forward planning has its advantages.